DJA are thrilled to announce that our design for a contemporary dwelling has been approved at appeal. Our cutting edge, carbon neutral design, sits comfortably in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in the North Wessex Downs, nestled between 2 existing dwellings.
The Planning Inspector noted that, despite its contemporary nature, our design would ‘relate comfortably to the village landscape’. He mentioned that, in a ‘village containing much unremarkable 20th Century housing’, our design development process, as set out in the Design & Access statement, corresponds to the process suggested in the National Design Guide.
Great team effort from all involved - Barton Willmore now Stantec, i-Transport, Envision, TylerGrange
This is a landmark approval and sets the precedence for more quality, sympathetic, contemporary architecture located in rural locations, particularly those in designated AONB sites. If you have a challenging rural site, even those within AONB, do give us a call on 01202 755633 and we will see if we can help you.